Monday, January 11, 2010

What Information do Communities Need

The Knight Commission published a report Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. The three objectives are:

-Maximizing availability of relevant, credible information
-Strengthening the capacity of individuals to engage with information
-Promoting individual engagement with information that leads to positive public change

This sounds like what we are working on in public health. Two things of note:
People are desperate for "trusted intermediaries"...credible people who can help them make sense of the information that is most important, relevant and useful.

Being social media savvy is an important strategy..because it can help people leverage available resources. Public Media 2.0, a report by the American University Center for Social Media identifies five ways social media is changing people's "media habits"
Choice, conversation, curation, creation, and collaboration.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Three Words

I've been inspired by Chris Brogan to pick three words to guide my in 2010.

My three words


This started out as prioritize. The question I want to ask myself is what is most important? What 1-2 things do I want to focus on? My time and energy are limited ( as it is for everyone I work with) I want to be clear about what is most important.

Meaningful: Is what I am doing meaningful? Does it support what I value most: relationships, the environment, health? How can I make policy work meaningful?
Build and support connections and relationship, connect with emotions, share successes and accomplishments, listen...

Easy: How can I make my work easier? How can I make work easier for colleagues? We live busy often hectic lives. We multi- task. We are most likely to do those things that are easiet.

Here are Beth Kantor's 3 words