Thursday, October 29, 2009

Top three tips for dealing with conflict

I'm always looking for good tips on dealing with conflict. 

Peter Pregman, the Martial Art of Conversation gives three concise rules that, in my experience ( if you can do them) work to diffuse a tense situation and help you to move forward. 

1. Ask Questions: what is most important is to understand how the other person views the situation. You don't have to just have to understand.
2. Listen ( really)  When people are angry or upset, they need to feel heard and respected.
3. Repeat and summarize:  You want to make sure you understand the other person's perspective and you need to make sure they believe you understand.

The key point is, when people are angry, the gut reaction is to get defensive. Once you are defending your position ( which you believe to be right) you aren't listening.  When someone is angry, they need to feel heard ( and respected) before they can listen to someone else.

Peter shows you what he means by telling you a story.

Photo: Flickr 1677426833_c31dfc8d40

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is the most powerful marketing tool?

According to Amy Sample Ward at Get is testimonials. And she's got a point!

Think about it?  If you don't have much time and you are skimming a brochure or fact sheet or promotional piece...  What stands out?  Quotes.

Testimonials work because they are credible and authentic.  We trust people like us.

What would influence you more?

Who should attend this presentation?  Public Health Professionals, tobacco control advocates, educators, youth leaders, anyone interested in the the health of their community.

"This was the best session I've seen all year!  I'm a busy health professional but I wouldn't have missed this for the world.  I left with concrete ideas on actions I can take to help my community healthier."

Word of mouth influences action.  Quotes bring word of mouth into your newsletters, fact sheets, and promotional pieces.  To find out more about how to get and use testimonials, read Amy Ward's: The Most Powerful Marketing Copy in the World

Photo credit: Flickr newendproductions

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can a Great Leader be a Poor Presentor?

 Here are my take aways from Dan McCarthy's post on the Great Leadership blog
  1. No, because great leaders have to be able to inspire people to take action...which takes great presentation skills.
  2. Presentation skills can be learned ( but it takes some effort)
  3. Number one technique to master?  Telling stories!   

     Read more at Can a Great Leader be a Poor Presenter?
     Photo credit: Animated Cennydd Originally uploaded by psd

    Thursday, October 8, 2009

    Make it fun

    Can you influence behavior change by making something fun?

    See what one group did to encourage more people to walk the stairs.

    Make it fun

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Help People See Your Data

    Two helpful resources for data visualization:

    One is new (September 2009) and gives tips on data visualization and reviews free and lost cost technology tools that you can use. Data Visualization Tools

    2. Visual Communication: Core Design principles for displaying quantiative information.  (  2006)  The author, Stephen Few, is a name I recognize from the field of data visualization. Stephen's web page is Perceptual Edge